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Our Thoughts Become Our Reality

Our Thoughts Become Our Reality
There are two camps developing throughout the world. One dwells upon how bad everything is: we are all in trouble; the economy is crashing; after Global Warming we won't have enough food and water (or too much water); the spiraling war in Iraq; and a whole platter of other problems that continue to get worse. […]

There are two camps developing throughout the world. One dwells upon how bad everything is: we are all in trouble; the economy is crashing; after Global Warming we won't have enough food and water (or too much water); the spiraling war in Iraq; and a whole platter of other problems that continue to get worse. The second camp is growing rapidly, a movement of forward thinkers bringing awareness to the fact that our thoughts and feelings are creating our reality. Authors like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Rhonda Byrne, and Gary Renard and publications such as the Bible and A Course In Miracles all tell us that we create our world by our thoughts…

Baby-boomers like myself watch the news and are astonished at the daily accumulation of world mayhem. Christians whisper of the "End Times". Moslems speak of a jihad. Newscasters tell us it is worse today than just yesterday.

Yet, if we dwell on world problems, instead of solutions, we will find more problems. If we dwell on bad government, we will find only more bad government. The "Forward Thinkers" know this and are in the process of informing the public of the power held dormant within, that can be released with our thoughts.

Quantum Physicists tell us that energy doesn't become matter until it is perceived by us.

Earl Nightingale taught us that "We Become What We Think About."

A number one best seller, The Secret, teaches, "Thoughts Become Things." The DVD, book and CD set is spreading worldwide the message that, yes, you are creating your reality with your thoughts and perceptions.

The greatest philosophies and religions say that we were made in the image of the great Creator. Teachings by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer say the same thing. Bible Scripture agrees.

This growing second camp of "Forward Thinkers" focuses on the positive. Solutions are foremost in their thoughts. They sift the bad news and concentrate on fixing the problems.

The big question is: Will the second camp grow fast enough to offset the first camp within the next 20 years, a critical time in which to offset the growth rate of the problems. How can you join the second camp of Forward Thinkers?

How do you become part of saving the world? It involves changing some old habits. Don't watch the bad news on TV. Shy away from anything negative and replace it with something positive. Your thoughts have amazing power. If you wish to get involved in one of the many issues, concentrate on solutions without attacking who or what you perceive to be wrong.

Get up in the morning and think, this is going to be a great day, and it will. Focus on goodness. Einstein's much quoted question was "Do you consider the universe friendly or hostile? Think of it as friendly and it will be." Think of it as hostile and the bad news will continue.

Watch The Secret. Read Wayne Dyers last four books. Visit goodnewsnetwork.org daily for some positive uplifting news.

Seek out other Forward Thinkers. Two minds are better than one. Hundreds or thousands of positive thinkers, joined together, are a force to be reckoned with.

Most importantly, use the techniques taught in "The Secret" and in the books of Dr. Wayne Dyer, like Manifest Your Destiny and The Power Of Intention to learn who you really are. You and I have the ability to think a "Paradigm Shift" into existence. If we stay on the path we are currently walking, existence won't be such a pretty picture. It's up to us, the second camp, to inject light into the darkness by our thoughts, feelings and creative ability.

If we join the Forward Thinkers we take one step closer to Enlightenment, apparently just in time to save ourselves.


John Hayes owns an alternative energy company in the mountains of North Central Idaho. His intentions include promoting solutions to catastrophic climate change. He lives with his wife and two dogs and was delighted to find Good News Network.


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