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3D Printing Artist Gives New Life to Artifacts and Sculptures Destroyed By ISIS

3D Printing Artist Gives New Life to Artifacts and Sculptures Destroyed By ISIS
ISIS may be trying to destroy Iranian heritage and history, but one artist is fighting back by using technology and respect for the past.

There are many different shapes and sizes of rebellion; whether they be emotional, physical, mental, or political.

But it takes an artist to rebel against ISIS and its careless destruction using the exact shape or size required for resurrection.

In a Toronto art exhibit titled "Material Speculation: ISIS", Morehshin Allahyari has given new life to historical Assyrian artifacts and sculptures destroyed by the terrorist organization in 2015 by recreating the pieces using 3D-printing technology.

By collaborating with archaeologists and painstakingly pouring over files, analysis, and data, the Iranian artist collected photos and information on her native country's treasures until she was able to recreate them exactly–beautiful works like the King Uthal piece (above) and Lamassu (below).

At the center of each piece is a USB drive filled with all of the information on the artifact.

"Like time capsules, each object is sealed and kept for future civilizations," Morehshin explains on her website. "The information in these flash drives includes images, maps, PDF files, and videos gathered in the last months on the artifacts and sites that were destroyed."

The artist believes that by refusing to forget her culture's masterpieces, people can partake in a form of activism that will restore a nation's history through memory, care, and appreciation for the past.

Share Her Rebellion With Your Friends… Morehshin Allahyari Photos by Morehshin Allahyari

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