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Iran Halts Higher-grade Uranium Enrichment

Iran has halted its most disputed nuclear activity under a ground-breaking deal with six world powers, a confidential U.N. atomic agency report obtained by Reuters showed, paving the way for the easing of some Western sanctions against Tehran.

Honoring Three Men Who Came to B.C., Found Success, and Gave Millions Back

A jovial 87-year-old has parlayed a huge construction business in Iran into a Canadian philanthropic legacy that will continue after he is gone. His Djavad Mowafaghian Foundation has given away tens of millions of his personal wealth to build children hospitals in Vancouver -- and building schools for children around the world. Most ambitious, his Foundation has built a new $68.8-million center for brain health at the University of BC with 500 scientists working on diseases like alzheimer's.

Drones From Iran Actually Built to Save People - From Drowning

Another example of how a drone can be a lifesaver, rather than a killer, comes from a group of young engineers in Iran whose robotics expertise has been put to work developing an alternative to human lifeguards along the Caspian Sea coast, where more than a thousand people drown every year. Their drone can speedily fly to swimmers in trouble and drop three life preservers.