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Gym Owner Gives Out All His Equipment So Members Can Work Out At Home

Gym Owner Gives Out All His Equipment So Members Can Work Out At Home
The Be Strong gym owner in Bloomington, Illinois generously did his part to make sure customers could stay active by lending out $40K in equipment.

For many of us, it takes a long time to build good exercise habits, and with gyms closed across the country, many people have seen their exercise routines disappear.

A generous gym owner in Illinois anticipated that, and did his part to make sure that customers stay active and meet their fitness goals.

Drew Whitted, owner of the Be Strong Gym in Bloomington, Illinois, allowed his members to sign out more than $40,000 worth of workout equipment to use at home, free of charge, during the state's stay-at-home order.

He said that he didn't want people to miss their workouts—and he's gratified to see how it's bringing families together.

"Now I see a whole family, getting through this shelter in place, getting through this tough time doing these workouts together, bonding together, becoming healthier and happier together as a family unit," he told CNN.

About 80 members took him up on the offer, signing out equipment, but Drew held some back, so he could hold online training sessions every day.

The small business owner has promised to retain and pay all eight of his employees, and has offered members a free month when the quarantine is over.

Gym member Paulette Cocco was blown away by the generosity: "He had recently put a lot of money into getting new equipment," she told CNN. "I mean, his equipment is really beautiful, so it was a big sacrifice."

She added that she would personally be paying him for the lost month, anyway. The rest of Paulette's family has recently started working out at home with her, and they are planning to join the gym when it reopens.

Whitted has expressed no worries about the equipment making its way back to the gym when it reopens, saying that members will be excited to work out together again.

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