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Security Guard Stops Swedish Terrorist Attack in its Tire Tracks

Security Guard Stops Swedish Terrorist Attack in its Tire Tracks
This young security guard may have saved hundreds of lives after he charged his van into a hijacked truck.

This 27-year-old security guard is responsible for saving dozens of lives after a deranged driver started driving a truck towards Swedish parliament on Friday.

Santiago Cueva was sitting idly in his van near Åhlens, a department store on Drottninggatan in Stockholm, Sweden, when he saw a large truck driving down the road.

While police rushed to the scene, the driver reportedly escaped into the panicked crowds. The suspect has since been arrested and – according to his lawyer – has recently confessed to the act as a "terrorist crime".

But if the suspect had been allowed to keep driving, his crimes may have been much worse – the Swedish Parliament building was about 550 yards down the Drottninggatan.

"I was not scared," Ecuador-born Santiago told the Daily Mail Online. "It was actually a strange feeling when it happened. The lorry was coming towards me and all my focus was on helping protect people in some way. So I drove my van in front of it in order to stop it from getting any further."

Click To Share The News With Your Friends (Photo by Santiago Cueva)

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