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Florida Firefighters Honored On the Internet

Florida Firefighters Honored On the Internet
The men and women who fought the fires in Florida this summer are heroes (and Good Samaritans). Here are some excerpts from Florida’s Internet sites expressing gratitude

The men and women who fought the fires in Florida this summer are heroes (and Good Samaritans). Here are some excerpts from Florida's Internet sites expressing the gratitude felt toward the firefighters who saved homes and lives…

THANK YOU!…. to the firefighters who stayed after everyone pulled back, and kept our house from burning. The thermometer locked up at 158F on the front porch. You guys and girls are truly heroes. Our family is forever indebted to you for what you have done for us. You will always be in our thoughts and prayers. — The Shaffer family

At times, the smoke was so thick you couldn't see our cars in the drive, and ash covered everything…. We could have lost everything without the efforts of these wonderful people who left their loved ones at home to literally keep us out of the fire…. THANK YOU FROM ALL OF US! –Roselyn Shiver

I would like to thank any firefighter that was in Palm Coast for saving my and my friends' houses!!! You were tired, but still fighting!!! The fire was so close even the grass all burned up!! I can't believe how hot it must be if the bottom of my friend's roof was melted!!! –Al Volt.

My daughter came over to my house in tears and was saying she left my son-in-law up on the roof with a water hose as fire was threatening the area they lived in. Within the hour, my son-in-law arrived and said the fire was coming through the woods in a wall of flame. He left his house as three fire trucks pulled up, he thought there was no way that his house could be saved…. They were allowed to go back the next evening and lo and behold there was absolutely no damage. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the heroes who fought that fire, and also to their families who gave and gave. May God bless all of you.–Ben O'Steen

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