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Google Maps Can Now Tell You Which Businesses are Wheelchair Accessible

Google Maps Can Now Tell You Which Businesses are Wheelchair Accessible
People are celebrating over a new Google Maps app update that indicates whether a building is wheelchair-accessible or not.

Google Maps is already known for being the most reliable method of modern navigation – and now it's become an invaluable tool for people using wheelchairs or mobility aids like canes or prams.

The "20% time" is a benefit that allows the tech titan's employees to use 20% of their time on projects outside of their main focus. Rio Akasaka, a product manager on Google Drive, has used that benefit over the course of the last year in order to develop the new mapping tool.

Since nearly one in eight Americans are reportedly living with some kind of mobility-related disability, Akasaka recognizes the need to create a more accessible navigation platform for everyone.

By American law, all public and commercial properties must be properly modified to accommodate those with disabilities – other nations, on the other hand, might not have the same policy.

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