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Candy Theft Victim Rewarded With Car Full of Kit Kats For Everyone

Candy Theft Victim Rewarded With Car Full of Kit Kats For Everyone
After Hunter's Kit Kat bar was stolen out of his car by a fellow hungry college student, the candy company decided to share the wealth.

Keep your Kit Kat, thief ???? @jabbins now has ALL the candy #KitKatThief pic.twitter.com/pneXEWTJiN


Since this college student was robbed of his beloved candy bar, the Kit Kat head honchos decided to give him a break.

Hunter Jobbins, a freshman at Kansas State University, took to Twitter last week when he returned to his parked car only to find that someone had stolen his Kit Kat candy bar from his cup holder.

The note was written on a napkin in a hurried scrawl reading "Saw Kit Kat in your cup holder. I love Kit Kats so I checked your door and it was unlocked. Did not take anything other than the Kit Kat. I am sorry and hungry."

Though most of us are familiar with the particular poverty of college students, the chocolate company was having none of it.

They responded to Hunter's grievances on Twitter saying "Who steals someones Kit Kat?! WHO DOES THAT?! Shoot us a DM and we'll replace it for you."

Four days after the traumatizing incident, the corporation stayed true to their word and sent Hunter 6,500 wafer treats to replace his stolen snack.

"Keep your Kit Kat, thief. Jobbins now has ALL the candy #KitKatThief," tweeted the candy company with a photo of Hunter reveling in a car full of Kit Kat bars.

Hunter, however, understands the joy of simple sweets and decided to pay his gift forward to his fellow classmates under the hashtag #KitKatsForEveryone.

"Thanks to everyone who came by today!!" Hunter wrote on Twitter. "And a special thanks to Devon Horowitz and KitKat_US for making today happen! #KitKatsForEveryone"

"Kit Kat thief" tweet earns student 6,500 candy bars for giveaway https://t.co/UKkMexUsaD #kitkat #twitter pic.twitter.com/DASBHZTNnf


Give Your Friends A Break: Click To Share – Photo by Hunter Jobbins

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