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Airline Delights Thousands of Stranded Passengers with Free Pizza

Airline Delights Thousands of Stranded Passengers with Free Pizza
When over 3,000 flights were affected by this week's weather, Delta Airlines decided to make it up to the stranded passengers by ordering up a little treat.

When these Delta passengers couldn't make their flight, the airline instead decided to treat everyone to a bite.

Thunderstorms and tornado warnings caused almost 3,000 flights to be cancelled or delayed. So, Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines decided to make it up to their passengers by ordering pizza.

Flight delayed passengers – many who were forced to sleep on floors and chairs – were surprised when air stewards began serving up thousands of pizza slices throughout the airport. The passengers were even more surprised when pilots got involved in handing out the slices too.

"It's just a small gesture but it's one that our customers do appreciate," Delta corporate communications manager Michael Thomas told AJC. "We know it's not fun to be stuck on the ground somewhere."

The feat can't even be called unusual for the company; serving free airport food has almost become a Delta tradition. Delta went the extra mile last year by giving out doughnuts, pizza and drinks to passengers when over 2,000 flights were cancelled due to a power outage.

Social media was abuzz with people thanking Delta for providing the free meal – and most importantly, the great customer service.

Kristin on Twitter summed it up best: "Delta, I was a little mad at y'all for leaving me stranded in Alabama, but then y'all brought us pizza so we're cool again."

Fly This Story Over To Your Friends: Click To Share (Photo by Delta and Eric Salard, CC)

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