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This Soup Kitchen Serves the Homeless Like Guests in a Restaurant

This Soup Kitchen Serves the Homeless Like Guests in a Restaurant
Anyone in need of a hearty lunch during the week will be welcomed by hosts and waiters ready to take their order with a side of kindness.

This soup kitchen firmly believes that all their guests should be served their meals with a side of dignity, graciousness, and respect.

The Kansas City Community Kitchen in Missouri has been serving low-income families and the homeless community for over 30 years – but starting in February, the center hired volunteer waiters and hosts so they could serve the hungry like a restaurant.

"This new service represents what we're about now," said ECS President/CEO Beau Heyen. "Our diners will not only get delicious, beautiful meals created by our amazing culinary team, but they will have the dignity of being able to choose what they want to eat."

In addition to giving diners a choice of what to eat, menus are varied to incorporate various fresh foods and suggestions made by the diners themselves, although often made into healthier versions.

"Last week we had guests asking us when we were going to do some barbecue," says Executive Chef Michael Curry, "so when we prepared our chicken a couple of days later, we decided to make it into pulled chicken sandwiches with our house-made sauce that doesn't have as much sugar and salt."

If you'd like to volunteer as a waiter or greeter at the Kansas City Community, you can check out the Episcopal Community website.

"Whenever everyone is thinking about ways to give back – especially for much of the year while school is in session – we are scrambling to get the 15 people per day that it takes to make that level of service happen," Mandy Caruso-Yahne told the Good News Network. "We only wish we had the funding available to hire folks from the community to serve but it's actually the work of hundreds of people who give their time for free to give back in this way."

Click To Share This Tasty News With Your Friends – Photo by Kansas City Community Kitchen

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