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German Shepherd Rescues Troops Pinned Down by ISIS Fighters

German Shepherd Rescues Troops Pinned Down by ISIS Fighters
A heroic German shepherd charged ISIS fighters in what's believed to be the first time a dog has directly saved British lives in combat in Iraq.

When British special forces troops and an American K-9 team were pinned down by ISIS fighters, a heroic German shepherd came to the rescue.

It's believed to be the first time a military working dog has directly saved British lives in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan.

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The British troops and an American soldier with his dog were returning to base after a 10-day training session for Kurdish Peshmerga fighters. The small band of soldiers were ambushed by about 50 ISIS fighters.

"When the dog was unleashed it went after the greatest threat without consideration for its own safety," an unnamed military source told The Sun.

The dog immediately raced toward two different ISIS fighters, frightening them so much, they turned and ran, leaving the German shepherd unharmed and trotting back to his handler, tail wagging.

His heroic charge gave the troops time until allied air support arrive, ending the battle for good.

(READ more at The Sun) — Photo: USMC

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