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Off-duty Cop Saves 3-Year-old Girl On the Way to His Wedding

Off-duty Cop Saves 3-Year-old Girl On the Way to His Wedding
March 28th wasn't just John O'Rourke's big wedding day – it will also be remembered as the day he resuscitated a 3-year-old girl.

John O'Rourke's wedding day wasn't just exciting because of the ceremony – he also saved the life of a little 3-year-old girl.

John had stopped into a Donuts To Go in Sanford, Florida for some breakfast before the big ceremony on March 28th. While he was waiting in line, he noticed a crowd of people hovering over a child; the girl was having a seizure and all of the onlookers were too shocked to call paramedics.

John rushed over to the crowd and instructed someone to call 911. After briefly speaking to the emergency operator on the phone, he began giving the child CPR and chest compressions.

By the time paramedics arrived, the girl had started breathing again and John was given a free box of donuts as a thank you for his heroic actions.

"I just sat in my car, for about 20 minutes, processing everything," he said.

According to the Indiana University Police Department, no one at the wedding ceremony was surprised to hear about that morning's events – not even his newly-married wife Virginia.

One officer was quoted saying: "You know John – he's always at the right place at the right (or wrong) time."

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