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Man Digs Well in 40 Days For His Wife After She's Denied Water, Whole Town Benefits

Man Digs Well in 40 Days For His Wife After She's Denied Water, Whole Town Benefits
Disrespected as lower class, this worker has proven that all you need is determination to accomplish the impossible.

A man just proved his whole village wrong by doing what was considered impossible, in a determined frenzy that neighbors called crazy.

After his wife was turned away and insulted by locals for trying to drink from a well, Bapurao Tajne was pushed to the edge hearing about the disrespect of their poorer working caste condition.

Tajne put his back and tools to work for six hours every day digging a new water well all by himself in their village of Kalambeshwar -a task that typically requires a team of four or five men. Villagers ridiculed the man's mission knowing such a feat had never been accomplished before and other attempts to locate new sources of water in the area had already failed.

"I don't want to name the well owner for I don't want bad blood in the village," Tajne told Times Of India. "However, I feel that he insulted us because we are poor and Dalits. I came home that day in March and almost cried. I resolved never to beg for water from anybody. I went to Malegaon (the closest town) and bought tools and within an hour I started digging."

After his efforts revealed the water source, his two sons have aided him in digging deeper than his initial 15-feet-depth.

The success is not unlike that of Dashrath Manjhi, the "Mountain Man" who single-handedly carved a path through a mountain by toiling away for 22 years to provide his wife an easier route to town.

(WATCH the NewsX video below) -Photo via news video

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