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Burglarized, But Still Going to Disneyland Thanks to Police Officers

Burglarized, But Still Going to Disneyland Thanks to Police Officers
When a burglary threatened to ruin a family's Christmas trip, a pair of police officers took it in themselves to set things right.

When burglars made off with money that a woman had been saving to take her kids to Disneyland, a pair of police officers made sure the family would be able to still go on their trip.

The woman, identified only as Amanda, had been saving all year to take her kids on the trip during Christmas break.


The two officers from the Antioch, California Police Department who investigated the break-in figured the chances of finding and returning the money before Christmas were pretty slim, so they took the problem back to headquarters and put on their Santa hats.

They told the story to the rest of the squad and took up a collection. Then Saturday, they asked Amanda to come to the police station saying they wanted her to look at a line-up of suspects.

Instead, the officers were waiting with $2,000 they'd raised to send the family on their holiday adventure. Seeing the mom's reaction and hearing the words that brought her to tears is a holiday treat for us all.

(WATCH the video from the Antioch Police Department below) — Photo: Antioch PD, Facebook

Today Officer Bledsoe and Officer Aiello presented a family with a very special Christmas gift. Amanda and her two children were the victims of a burglary. Part of their loss was money she had put away to take her two children to Disneyland. Officer Bledsoe and Officer Aiello took it upon themselves to reach out to other members of the department and raise $ 2000 so the family could go on their planed trip to Disneyland this holiday season.When Amanda arrived at the police department during our holiday food and gift giveaway, she believed she was looking at a photo lineup of a possible suspect in the crime. What you're about to see is something that I believe will bring tears to your eyes!Sincerely, Chief Allan Cantando

Posted by Antioch Police Department on Saturday, December 19, 2015

Today Officer Bledsoe and Officer Aiello presented a family with a very special Christmas gift. Amanda and her two children were the victims of a burglary. Part of their loss was money she had put away to take her two children to Disneyland. Officer Bledsoe and Officer Aiello took it upon themselves to reach out to other members of the department and raise $ 2000 so the family could go on their planed trip to Disneyland this holiday season.When Amanda arrived at the police department during our holiday food and gift giveaway, she believed she was looking at a photo lineup of a possible suspect in the crime. What you're about to see is something that I believe will bring tears to your eyes!Sincerely, Chief Allan Cantando

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