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Couple Stuck on Highway for 21 Hours in Snowstorm Asks Bakery Truck to Give Away Their Supply to Hungry Drivers

Couple Stuck on Highway for 21 Hours in Snowstorm Asks Bakery Truck to Give Away Their Supply to Hungry Drivers
The stranded motorists on I-95 in the recent winter storm had involuntary 24+ hour fasts broken when a bakery truck gave away all their bread.

A miserable day stuck in snow on U.S. Interstate 95 took a turn for the better through a positive sort of highway robbery.

The understanding CEO of a baking company ordered one of his drivers to pass bread and rolls out to the stranded cars, breaking some fasts which were going on two days.

With some cars containing babies, pets, and elderly people, a lack of opportunities to eat provided as much discomfort as the cold to thousands of motorists on I-95 who got stranded when a winter storm dropped around a foot of snow on Virginia and other eastern states.

A Maryland couple, Casey Holihan and her husband John Noe, hadn't eaten for 37 hours while waiting for the snow to clear when they spotted a Schmidt Baking Company truck.

Not thinking it would work, the hungry couple called the company's customer service line asking if they could have some of the bread.

"We didn't think it would actually work, but less then 20 minutes later we got an incredible surprise," wrote Casey in a Facebook post. "We received a personal call from the owner of the company, Chuck, who contacted the driver."

"It was an easy decision" Chuck Paterakis, the CEO of H&S Baking, who owns Schmidt, told the Washington Post. His words to the driver were "give away all the bread" adding that he was "very humbled and grateful that we could help."

The driver Ron Hill opened the back of the truck, and with Casey and John's help distributed 300 packages of bread and rolls to more than 50 stranded motorists.

"We just kept giving it out until we couldn't walk anymore because it was so freezing," Holihan told NBC affiliate WBAL. "It felt incredible just hearing people say thank you and hearing people just so relieved to finally have food in their car, food in their system and in their kids' system. It was a really incredible feeling."

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