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6 High School Football Players Combine Their Strength to Rescue Injured Woman Trapped in a Wrecked Car

6 High School Football Players Combine Their Strength to Rescue Injured Woman Trapped in a Wrecked Car
Together they leant their strength to pry open a jammed door which allowed the rescuers to access the badly injured driver.

A Georgian woman is thanking her stars that it was nothing less than a group of buff high schooler football players who just happened to be passing by her when she needed help.

Together they leant their strength to pry open the jammed door of the woman's wrecked car, which allowed the rescuers to access the badly injured driver.

The Rome City Football Team was out in force that morning, with teammates Treyvon Adams, 16, Antwion Carey, 16, Cesar Parker, 16, Messiah Daniels, Tyson Brown, 17, and Alto Moore, 16, all heading to school together in Adam's car, or with their mom in the case of Caesar.

As soon as they saw the wrecked car they leapt into action.

"We just ran as fast we (could) to the lady and check on her to see if she was alright," Adams told CNN. "We were seeing she was in pain, she was screaming and asking us to help her."

The car was totaled, and badly bent out of shape. Without thinking, the teens managed to pry the passenger door open, but realized only afterwards that it was the other door that had to be removed for her to be reached.

"We used all our muscles," Adams said. "We're pretty big people, we're strong. We play football, so we lift weights a lot, but (the door) was just extremely bent and broke." It all happened in about a minute.

But when it was over, the teens had freed the woman from the vehicle and carried on their way back to class after checking on the driver of the other car in the collision.

Adams admitted that the team had been getting a lot of love and recognition for their act, which teachers said they deserved, and the school has helped drive.

In a post on Twitter, the school's football team wrote, "PROUD of our MEN!" in reference to the story.

At the end of the day, like all great rescuers, the teens admitted that while the recognition was nice, it was something anyone would do.

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