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Man Needs to Make Friends, So He Nervously Makes Pancakes for Dozens of Neighbors - It Was a Huge Hit

Man Needs to Make Friends, So He Nervously Makes Pancakes for Dozens of Neighbors - It Was a Huge Hit
Attempting on orders of the wife to make new friends, a nervous San Franciscan hosts a pancake party Saturday morning, and it blew up.

A nervous and self-conscious San Franciscan was looking to make new friends, and in hosting a Saturday morning pancake party he ended up starting a new neighborhood tradition.

Figuring that while there are many differences between individuals‚some might enjoy sport, while others might much prefer a book club, for example-no-one would say no to free homemade pancakes.

Curtis Kimball, owner of The Crí¨me Brí»lée Cart, put up comical flyers around his San Fran neighborhood which read "My wife says I'm getting weird. She says I need to make friends. So I'm making pancakes."

It was a huge hit, surprising the nervous Kimball.

"I actually didn't know what to expect at all and I was terrified setting up for it. Even putting up the flyers made me nervous and self-conscious," Kimball told TODAY Food.

"Like, this could be a really dumb idea and everyone might hate it. But the first people showed up right away, they lived two doors down and they were very excited."

Kimball documented the event, to which people brought their kids and dogs, and said it was a major relief from "the last two years (six years really)" noting San Francisco's struggles with homelessness, crime, rising cost of living, and other civic challenges.

San Francisco is in a bad way. Vibes are all effed up. I can't do much to solve the problems here, but I can make pancakes. So I hung up fliers all over the neighborhood and made pancakes. Over 75 people came and over 125 pancakes were eaten. Here's what I learned: 👇 pic.twitter.com/EnGKW8tL7g

It was such a hit among the neighbors that Kimball will be replicating it, and hopes to do so in other neighborhoods around SF to expand his social circle beyond his own zip code.

His dream, Yahoo reports, is to have Saturday morning pancake parties across the country.

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