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Young Woman Makes a Special Pouch For Her Cat to Take Him Traveling Around Italy - His Favorite Hobby

Young Woman Makes a Special Pouch For Her Cat to Take Him Traveling Around Italy - His Favorite Hobby
Doina Muravschi and her cat Bounty travel all over Italy, as he enjoys going on bike rides and even mountaineering in his special backpack.

Bounty is a traveling cat who loves to discover new places. Snuggled up in his special backpack slung over owner Doina Muravschi, he has enjoyed cycling tours of Italy, mountaineering, and camping, all the while seeing sights that would make the front page of National Geographic.

Just recently, Bounty has presumably become the first house cat to summit La Grignetta, a 7,100-foot mountain in the Italian Alps, "without even a meow of protest," as La Repubblica reports.

Four months ago, Muravschi saved Bounty as a one-year-old kitty heading to a cat sanctuary. As in America, black cats in Italy suffer the lowest adoption rates, and many have to wait until adolescence to find homes.

"I handmade a special pouch for him, because cat carriers are not adapted to certain journeys," joked Muravschi, who documents her travel with Bounty on her Facebook page.

"Together we've already gone on trips of more than a month-last autumn, when we went from Ballabio to Matera by bike," she told La Repubblica. For those unfamiliar with Italian geography, that is cycling the entire length of the Italian peninsula from the knee-line to the instep of the ‘boot'.

"At the start Bounty was a little agitated, but after the first few days started to enjoy himself. While I peddled, he slept in the carrier."

The objective of her journey, and that of her Facebook page devoted to their travels, is to educate those who believe that cats only long for the sofa-and that the only pawed-companion for long journeys is a dog.

(WATCH the Facebook video to meet Bounty in his pouch below.)

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