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Man Shot While Stopping Hate Crime is Rewarded With $100K For New House

Man Shot While Stopping Hate Crime is Rewarded With $100K For New House
24-year-old Ian Grillot was shot twice after attempting to stop a hate crime – and now he's being rewarded for his heroic gesture.

After being shot in the chest and hand, this 24-year-old is being honored for his attempts to stop a hate crime in progress.

Ian Grillot was out at Austin's Bar and Grill in Olathe, Kansas, on February 22nd when a gunman opened fire on a group of Indian-Americans, killing one and injuring another.

The perpetrator, 51-year-old Adam Purinton, was later arrested and charged with murder. Ian was taken to the hospital along with Alok Madasani. While they both recovered in the hospital, the duo ended up becoming "best friends".

Ian's hospital bills were paid for by a GoFundMe campaign that raised almost $475,000 in one month – but that's not the only way that the hero was rewarded.

In honor of his courage, the Houston-based Indian-American organization The India House raised $100,000 through the generous contributions of three different donors in order to help Ian buy a house in Kansas City.

"It is not every day that one meets a genuine hero — a person who risks his life for another, and takes a bullet for a complete stranger," Jiten Agarwal, chair of India House Houston, said in a statement. "Ian Grillot is a man who reminds us of the promise of America and its greatness."

"I don't know if I could've lived with myself if I wouldn't have stopped or attempted to stop the shooter because that would've been completely devastating," said Ian during the March 24th gala. "I do now have a very powerful message and if I can help empower people and spread hope and love, then why not? I am honored to be at India House that serves so many families from so many communities in the Houston area."

(WATCH the video below)


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