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Teen Uses Fibonacci Sequence to Make Solar Energy Breakthrough

Aidan Dwyer is just 13 years old but is already a patented inventor of solar panel arrangements. He noticed a pattern one day in the tangled mess of branches above him and began to investigate whether there is a secret formula in tree design and whether the purpose of the spiral pattern is to collect sunlight better.

New Baby With "Call Me Maybe" Sign Awaits Soldier Dad's First Hug

A Nebraska soldier who'd never seen his baby daughter was welcomed home this week by a sign so cute that the photo posted on Facebook got a million Likes in its first day. The adorable little girl sat waiting in a stroller sitting next to a big pink poster using the Call Me Maybe song to welcome her dad, Cole Tesar, home.

Coffee Customers Pay It Forward Like Never Before

Even in these tough times, it is becoming "downright common" for Starbucks customers at this drive-thru window to pay the bill for the car behind them. One cashier has even seen 15 cars of kindness in a row... KUSA reports in this video from Loveland, Colorado

Halloween Candy Safe, After All

There has never been a single confirmed serious injury from “tainted treats” having been altered by a stranger since fears began spreading among the public in the late 50’s.