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Showing 205 - 216 of 252 Posts

After 43 Years, MIA Hero is 'Coming Home'

Forty-three years ago this month, a U.S. Army soldier vanished during a fierce battle at Lang Vei, South Vietnam. Now, his remains positively identified using DNA from five family members, the Green Beret medic is coming home. His sisters and brother are relieved, grateful, tearful.

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Teen Driving Deaths Tumble 64 Percent Across US

Traffic deaths for all age groups continue to plunge at a record-shattering pace across America. But, among teen drivers the decrease, of 64 percent since 1975, is especially important given that traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for teens.

Obama Writes Excuse for 11-year-old who Missed School to Attend Speech

11-year old Tyler Sullivan never made it into school on Friday, but he has a pretty good excuse. After the boy and his dad watched a presidential speech in the front row at the Honeywell factory, the Minnesota boy was shocked when President Obama offered a hand-written note to give his teacher for excusing the absence.

Moms Reign as Top Role Models in Survey of Canadian Girls

An encouraging new survey has found that mothers are regarded as the top female role models in the lives of six in 10 Canadian girls. Furthermore, most of these young people, aged 10 to 17, were unlikely to identify other types of women they hoped to emulate — pop stars or others.

Make-up Tutorial Helps Older Skin Shed Ten Years (Video)

Through her online tutorials, and her role on UK television as the beauty expert for three years on the series ‘Ten Years Younger, make-up artist Lisa Eldridge has become an expert on how to do a really great look for ladies in their 50's, 60's and beyond. In a March 1 video posted on YouTube she demonstrates her techniques on a 64 year-old woman to achieve a modern, natural look.

Woman Gives Birth on Flight From Asia to San Francisco

A new mom and her child are resting comfortably in the hospital after giving birth 35,000 feet up on a flight from the Philippines to San Francisco. A flight attendant helped her to a private area as a call went out looking for nurses onboard. Three responded and worked together as an amazing team.

Son Surprises His Mom With A House For Mother's Day

I am the man I am today because of you, he said at the start of a video. So I just want to thank you. For years, she worked every day, seven days a week, starting at 5 or 6 in the morning preparing food for her neighborhood market. And in 2002 she was diagnosed with cervical cancer and underwent a painful fight. This is the first house I ever purchased and I wanted to give (it to) my mother, Michael Luangrath wrote on YouTube. She deserves it the most.