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Woman Returns Lockbox Containing $40,000

Teresa Stiles saw a lockbox, which she didn't know contained about $40,000, fall off a Brinks truck. Nobody seemed to see what happened and no one was responding. So, Stiles grabbed the box and nervously drove straight to the police.

The Greatest Canadian Ever

Who is the Greatest Canadian? After being hospitalized at the age of 10 and threatened with the loss of his leg due to his family's inability to pay for specialized care, Tommy Douglas followed a life path into politics and refined his skills as a fiery speaker.

Humble Grocer Quietly Gave Away Millions

Waldemar Kaminski, who quietly ran a food stand in Broadway Market for more than 50 years, has been revealed to be a self-made millionaire and philanthropist who anonymously gave millions to Buffalo charities and neighbors in need.

Rape Victim Awakens Pakistani Village Womens' Rights

Mukhtar Mai is a shy Pakistani woman with such extraordinary courage that she was named Glamour‘s Woman of the Year, one of Asia's Heros by Time, and last week was honored by the United Nations. Most importantly, her unprecedented action after being raped by a gang of men in her village to settle a score […]

A Hero to Iraqi Kids, American Soldier Inspired to Give Gifts

An American soldier gets a kick out of bringing gifts to the kids in Iraq. Joe was so moved by the bare feet he saw in Iraq, he urged family and friends to send shoes for the children. The result was 1,200 pairs of shoes and 300 pounds of clothing sent to Iraq in 54 large boxes, inundating the post office.