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From Miner to Superhero, then a Cold Beer

In my 10 years in the service I have never seen or heard of anything like this. He is an absolute lifesaver. He turned his car around sped up to the truck and climbed inside it to pull the hand brake.

Pride of Britain Awards Salute Heroes

he Pride of Britain award winners for 2006 were honored Tuesday. The inspiring examples of courage, compassion and bravery included brothers who spotted a group of three adults being swept out to sea...

Secret Santa Revealed

The Secret Santa from Kansas City has long brightened the hearts of hundreds each holiday season by handing out hundred-dollar bills to strangers on city streets. Now, after 26 years and $1.3 million of anonymous holiday giving, he has decided to reveal his identity.

Stranger Rescues Woman from House Fire

A rural Kansas woman is lucky to be alive, after a stranger goes to great lengths to rescue her after her home catches fire... Rachel says what scares her most, is that she did not wake up.

Driver Hailed a Hero After Moving Car Rescue

A VAN driver is being hailed a hero after saving the life of a motorist who had a fit while driving along a busy highway. Thanks to Tony Smith's quick thinking, the driver escaped possible death after Tony used his van to slow the car to safety.

9-11 Special: Healing the Soldiers' Wounds

The National Theatre Workshop of the Handicapped worked with two dozen veterans of U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this summer, in hopes of helping them work through their emotions and feelings of loss..