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Clicking Like a Dolphin Lets Sightless People 'See' With Sound

Daniel Kish, blind since he was an infant, can easily dodge the pedestrians, signposts and mailboxes that line the city sidewalk. He's taught himself the skills of a dolphin. By clicking his tongue and paying close attention to the echo, he can identify surrounding objects and their location -- even their textures.

Homecoming King Gives Crown to Boy With Genetic Condition

Three Tennessee homecoming king nominees made a unanimous and touching decision that no matter who won, they would give the crown to a beloved student who has Williams Syndrome, a neurological disorder that inhibits learning and speech. At the Unionville Community High School's basketball homecoming ceremony, the teens turned over the honor to junior Scotty Maloney.

Youth Robotics Club Helps Paralyzed Cat

Nine-month-old Flipper the kitten was born with a twisted spine that makes it impossible for him to stand up -- or walk about without dragging himself laboriously. But little Flipper's life was changed forever by cat-lovers from a high school robotics club in Colorado.

Teen Produces "Miss Amazing" Pageants for Girls With Disabilities

Jordan Somer has been a believer in beauty pageants since she was 7 years old, when they began teaching her how to be confident and work toward any goal. But when she had the opportunity to be around people with special needs at the Special Olympics, when she saw success everywhere, on the track, the field, and each level of the award platforms, Somer knew what she was meant to do.

Video: One-Legged Soccer Player Scores Incredible Goal Off Corner Kick

Third-year high school student Nico Calabria scored an amazing goal Wednesday for his varsity soccer team -- the scissor kick was especially impressive because Nico was born with only one leg. When he was only 13, he became the first person with one leg ever to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro raising more than $100,000 for a charity providing wheelchairs in Africa.

Cast-Out Boy in New School Becomes Beloved as 'The Doorman'

Bullied every day for years because of his lisp, Josh moved to London, Ontario, in 2011. Determined not to be put in a box by his new classmates, the remarkable young man dramatically changed the trajectory of his life with one small idea: he would hold open the door at school each day. He held the door open for hundreds of teenagers that first morning - and every morning since. At first they didn't know what to make of the stranger, but then, something happened.

Canadians Trade Guns for Cameras in Creative Anti-Violence Program

The new Canadian program to reduce gun violence by promoting photography is called Pixels for Pistols. It aims to take guns off the streets by issuing a free Panasonic Lumix point-and-shoot camera to anyone who turns in a working firearm to the Winnipeg Police Service. So far, the program has collected hundreds of guns and rounds of ammunition

Teen Starts Website to Help Fight Bullying Among Girls

After witnessing a close friend suffering through cyber bullying, 14 year old Azariah Brown decided to do something about it. She founded a website for teenage girls called, Love Share Care. She wanted a social online hangout where adolescent girls 13-17 can share photos, post status updates, and send love shouts.