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Showing 521 - 540 of 812 Posts

UK Football Stampede Survivor and the Doctor Who Saved Him on the Pitch

Gary Currie was laid out on the ground, presumed dead, when fellow Liverpool supporter Dr. Glyn ­Phillips spotted him and spent 15 minutes performing CPR, determined that Gary, then just 18, deserved a chance to live. Now in a moving interview with the Sunday Mirror, Gary reveals how he has struck up a lifetime bond with his saviour, since that day 23 years ago.

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Lottery Winners Buy New Prosthetic Leg for 13-year-old Olympic Torchbearer

Crowds cheered as Kieran Maxwell, donning a cane and heavy prosthetic leg, carried the Olympic flame through northeast England in June. During the torch relay, the young teen who became an amputee after a battle with a rare form of cancer tripped and fell. His parents had been fundraising to buy him a lighter replacement limb, and this week Britain's biggest lottery winners stepped in to supply the money.

Possible da Vinci Painting Found in Scottish Farmhouse; Could be Worth $150 million

An old painting, which shows a woman embracing a young child, was nearly thrown out on several occasions, but Fiona McLaren, 59, from Scotland decided to seek an appraisal recently after financial difficulties forced her to look for new resources. Auctioneer Harry Robertson, the director of Sotheby's in Scotland, gasped when he saw the artwork which had been given to her father by one of his patients.

Photo of Broom Army Inspires the Web After England Riots

Following the riots in London, crowds of people turned out Wednesday to help clean up the glass and ashes left on the streets of cities across the country. Andrew Bayles' photo of brooms raised in the air has become an internet sensation via Twitter, and used by journalists around the world to underscore the decent citizens, which have come out in full force to outnumber the troublemakers.

Happiness Movement Launches This Week in Britain

A growing band of British economists, politicians and academics is thinking seriously about happiness — and they are putting theory into practice by starting a "mass movement for a happier society." Action for Happiness launched Tuesday in London, encouraging hugging, meditation and random acts of kindness.