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Kauai Passes Bill to Limit Pesticide Use and GMOs

The global agricultural companies that test their genetically modified crops on the Hawaiian island of Kauai will soon have to disclose the specifics of the pesticides and GMOs they use, as well as abide by strict rules limiting where pesticides can be sprayed, or else face fines or jail time.

Bumblebees Instead of Pesticides Save Berry Crop from Mold

Squadrons of bumblebees are being deployed in the UK in a novel attempt to prevent grey mold from ruining the crop of summer strawberries. The bees are routed via a one-way system in their hive through a tray of harmless fungus spores which, when delivered to flowers, ensure that the grey mold cannot take hold as the fruit grows.

London Raises Bar on Greening the Games

A new Olympic Park arose in a once derelict and contaminated industrial area of east London turning neglected waterways into wildlife havens. Almost 500 acres of land (200 hectares) have been razed and redeveloped for the 2012 Olympic Games, and 45 of those have been given over to creating new wildlife habitats for kingfishers, bats, otters and snakes -- while much of the rest has been left as parkland.

Danish Device Kills Air Pollution at Its Source

Scientists in Denmark have built a device designed to clean polluted air by accelerating natural atmospheric processes, helping to get rid of chemicals and smells. That Atmospheric Photochemical Accelerator developed at Copenhagen University underwent six years of trials working atop a stinky industrial plant.

Investors Bet on Organic Farming in China

Investors in China betting big on the organic concept have poured money into food producers and distributors. Some are wrestling with a conflict between scale and quality, but this has not dampened their enthusiasm.

Reusable 'Nanosheets' Soak Up Pollutants at 30 Times Their Weight

A next-generation material first earmarked for use in electronics has proven itself a capable clean-up agent for polluted waters. Boron nitride, or white graphene, can soak up organic pollutants such as industrial chemicals or engine oil in incredible amounts for their size, according to a report in Nature Communications.