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Baby 'Completely Paralyzed' by Rare Toxin was Saved After Remedy Found 5,000 Miles Away

Baby 'Completely Paralyzed' by Rare Toxin was Saved After Remedy Found 5,000 Miles Away
A baby left completely paralyzed after being diagnosed with botulism was saved by a remedy found thousands of miles away in the US.

A baby left completely paralyzed after being diagnosed with botulism was saved by a remedy found thousands of miles away in the US.

The parents rushed their six-month-old baby to the hospital in Birmingham, England, when he "went floppy" in the middle of the night.

Their pediatrician had already told them to keep a close eye on the infant because he showed a lack of energy and unwillingness to eat. So when he became limp they went straight to hospital-but Thomas's condition initially stumped doctors.

"Everyone said just how strange Thomas was presenting and that his symptoms didn't match up," said mom Alba.

Thomas was eventually diagnosed with botulism, a toxin that can be found in dust, soil, and honey-which is why, for decades, doctors have advised parents not to give honey to babies under the age of one, because it is known to sometimes contain botulinum spores.

He was transferred to intensive care, where he was intubated and put into an induced coma.

"Seeing him like that was terrible. It was just so frightening," Alba said in a statement. "The next few days were horrendous for us. He was completely paralyzed and we didn't know if our little boy would wake up again."

Dr. Amitav Parida, consultant pediatric neurologist, was the first to suggest that it might be botulism, the disease caused by botulinum toxin, which is also the chemical used in the production of Botox.

Only 20 cases of the condition, which can be deadly, have ever been reported in Britain.

Dr. Parida said it was something none of them in the hospital had ever seen before, but laboratory tests confirmed they were right.

In fact, it is so rare that staff at Birmingham Children's Hospital had to order the medicine to be rushed from California-the only place in the world that creates the human antitoxin. It travelled more than 5,000 miles in under 48 hours, after rapid customs approval was given.

Baby Thomas - SWNS

Thanks to the speedy delivery, Thomas received the antitoxin treatment needed to cure him in time.

Thomas is now back at home and recovering well, after being held in the hospital for another five weeks.

"Every day, we saw some progress. It was such a relief for us," recalled Alba.

Now he has regained most his movement and is thriving with his family.

Dr. Parida noted that-like almost all cases of infant botulism-the source of the botulism could not identified.

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