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Holiday Travelers Arrive to Find Airline Has Bought Gifts Off Their Wish Lists

Thanks to a team of merry WestJet employees and the power of technology, a group of airline passengers was treated to a Christmas miracle that turned an airport into Santa's workshop. With the help of 175 WestJet volunteers, three airports and Santa himself, they made a seeming miracle happen for more than 250 guests on two Calgary-bound flights.

To Be of Service, He Serves Free Tea From His Bus

A sign that read "Free Tea" convinced a pair of college students to climb inside the small school bus painted white. Thirty-year-old Colorado College graduate Guisepi Spadafora has been serving free tea out of his bus (named Edna Lu) for five and a half years. He says the project was an accident, but his desire for "genuine interaction" among people caused him to start serving tea.

Mystery Donor Erects Batkid Billboard To Thank Him For Saving 'Gotham City'

Remember the boy with leukemia who donned a batman suit last month and was treated to a day of 'pretend crime fighting' that involved thousands of participants in San Francisco? (See the original story here.) Now someone has paid for a billboard featuring a picture of the 5-year-old Miles Scott dressed as 'Batkid', to thank him for saving the city.

Bi-lingual Sweetheart to the Rescue at Gate A-4

Wandering around the airport terminal, after learning my flight had been detained four hours, I heard an announcement: "If anyone in the vicinity of Gate 4-A understands any Arabic, please come to the gate immediately." Gate 4-A was my own gate. I went there. An older woman in full traditional Palestinian embroidered dress, just like my grandma wore, was crumpled to the floor, wailing loudly. "Help," said the Flight Service Person. "We told her the flight was going to be late and she did this." In my halting Arabic, I was able to soothe her worried mind. Not only that, by the end of four hours, all the women at the gate were as one, bonded by the old woman sharing her cookies.

Heartwarming 'Cash Mob' Lifts Coffee Kiosk Hit Twice by Robbers

Customers in Central Oregon turned out in droves to support a local business down on its luck. Always serving the community through donations to high school raffles and day care centers, it was time for the locals to show support for the Black Rock Coffee Bar on Pacific Highway in Tigard, which had been robbed twice in two weeks.

Occupy Wall Street Folks Are Buying and Abolishing Millions of Dollars of Debt for the 99 Percent

The Occupy Wall Street movement, forever angry about government bail-outs for big banks, finally figured out a way to issue their own bail-outs -- this time, for the little guy. A group called Strike Debt launched a campaign last night, called Rolling Jubilee, that has already raised more than a quarter million dollars to buy up the debt owed by faceless Americans and cancel it, while just paying pennies on the dollar for the privilege. They call it, a bailout by the people, for the people.

Occupy Sandy: Onetime Protesters Excel in a New Cause (VIDEO Added)

Occupy Wall Street has become a lauded and effective relief organization for victims of Sandy. The social media savvy that helped Occupy protesters create a grass-roots global movement last year is proving a strength as members fan out across New York to deliver aid including hot meals, medicine and blankets.

Strangers Raise $30,000 on Reddit for Fatally Ill Man to Travel

The social media community of Reddit has once again responded with incredible generosity to a personal story of tragedy posted on their website. Jake Villanueva, 23, was given six months to live after a surprise diagnosis of terminal kidney cancer and he posted his story on the website. Not to ask for anything, but just to talk. What happened next is the stuff of Reddit legend.

Couple Plans Unusual Honeymoon Taking Strangers to Breakfast Across America

This July, after an Oregon couple walk down the aisle, they will hit the open road on a unique journey from Portland, Ore., to Portland, Maine, taking a leap of faith with dozens of people they've never met. The leap? The new bride and groom will sit down to breakfast with strangers across America and select 50 of those breakfasts to highlight in a book, Breakfast with Strangers: 50 Meals across America.