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Mom Who was Criticized for Letting Her Kid Walk Alone, Transforms Town

A few years ago, a mom in a small Mississippi town was chastised by neighbors and the press for teaching her 10-year-old son to walk to soccer practice by himself. A cop picked him up, scolded him about safety, and warned the mother that she could be prosecuted for "child endangerment." It was the turning point that led to the transformation of attitudes and laws in their town.

Grieving Father Offers Teens Money Not to Drink, 140 Take the Challenge

Five years ago, Leo McCarthy lost his 14-year-old daughter, Mariah, when a drunken driver hit her and two of her friends as they walked down a sidewalk near her home. But he refused to let her tragic death become just another statistic. Knowing that the driver was 20 years old -- not even old enough to drink legally -- McCarthy made an unusual promise to the teenagers attending Mariah's memorial service in Butte, Montana.

Sewage-Sniffing Dogs Locate Trouble Spots Along Milwaukee River

Canines have a sense of smell 1,000 times better than humans. Now, Milwaukee Riverkeepers has partnered with Environmental Canine Services to sniff and test over 50 manholes around Milwaukee. If the dogs hit on a spot, underground pipes are tested and water samples sent to the Great Lakes Water Institute for analysis.