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2012 Named Safest Year Ever for Air Travel

2012 will go into the record books as the safest year ever for airline travelers worldwide. 3 billion passengers flew in 2012 on more than 93,000 commercial flights each day, Yet, not a single fatality was recorded in the United States in more than four years.

Safer Bike Helmet Crumples Before You Stop, Inspired by a Bird

The unique design of a woodpecker and the cycling crash where he landed on his head has led Londoner Anirudha Surabhi to come up with a more effective design for a bike helmet. The woodpecker pecks at about ten times per second and every time it pecks it sustains the same amount of force as us crashing at 50 miles per hour, says Surabhi. It's the only bird in the world where the skull and the beak are completely disjointed, and there's a soft corrugated cartilage in the middle that absorbs all the impact.

ABC News Gets Insurer to Cover Cochlear Implants for Kids

cochlear implant covered by insurance-ABCvidA kindergartner has shown dramatic improvement in school in just a few months after ABC News stepped in and asked his family's insurance company to pay for a cochlear implant so the child hearing disability could be cured.

Today is 'Drug Take-Back Day' to Safely Dispose of Unwanted Prescription Drugs

The Drug Enforcement Administration has scheduled another National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day to take place at thousands of sites around the U.S. today. During the third Drug Take-Back Day in 2011, Americans turned in more than 188.5 tons of unwanted or expired medications for safe and proper disposal. The 5,327 drop off locations were available in all 50 states and U.S. territories.

Teen Driving Deaths Tumble 64 Percent Across US

Traffic deaths for all age groups continue to plunge at a record-shattering pace across America. But, among teen drivers the decrease, of 64 percent since 1975, is especially important given that traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for teens.