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Purse-Swinging Granny Foils Jewel Thieves (Video)

A gritty granny armed only with her handbag fought off six robbers who were smashing windows in a jewelry store on a busy UK street. Amateur video filmed by a passerby shows the courageous senior citizen swinging her purse with a ferocity seemingly brought on only by her shock at the thugs' mid-day audacity.

Purse-Swinging Granny Foils Jewel Thieves (Video)

A gritty granny armed only with her handbag fought off six robbers who were smashing windows in a jewelry store on a busy UK street. Amateur video filmed by a passerby shows the courageous senior citizen swinging her purse with a ferocity seemingly brought on only by her shock at the thugs' mid-day audacity.