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Police Empty Their Wallets for Girl Scouts Who Were Robbed

Police Empty Their Wallets for Girl Scouts Who Were Robbed
After a mother and daughter were held up at gunpoint for their Girl Scout money, the Union City Police Department became determined to help.

This police department was so aghast that someone would hold up a Girl Scout at gunpoint that they whipped out their wallets to make it right.

The family was thoroughly shaken by the robbery, but they were left unharmed. In order to make up for the incident, the police association bought out the entire remaining stock of the mother and daughter's cookies, amounting to over $1,000.

"At that time, we did what we could to make it, loving and compassionate and healing," Lisa Gratez told ABC7.

The suspect is still at large, but this is reportedly the first incident of armed robbery in over 100 years of selling Girl Scout Cookies – let's hope for 100 more.

Click To Share This Sweet Story With Your Friends – Photo by Jere Keyes, CC/Union City Police Department

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