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Tunisia Basks in Praise Over its New Constitution

As recently as December, the outlook for Tunisia remained grim. However, on Friday, French President Francois Hollande and other world leaders attended a ceremony for the formal adoption of a document being praised as one of the most progressive constitutions in an Arab nation. What a turnaround, says an AP article.

Egyptians Vote Freely for a Leader Today, First Time in 29 Years

Egyptians relished their first free leadership vote on Wednesday, with Islamists pitted against secular figures in a contest unthinkable before a popular revolt swept President Hosni Mubarak from power 15 months ago. No one knows who will win the presidency, but Egyptians are enjoying the historic uncertainty.

Europe's Last Dictator Toppled

For the first time in history the Serbian people have a president chosen by themselves in free elections. Vojislav Kostunica, 56, defeated Slobodan Milosevic by a wide margin and, despite Milosevic's attempts to circumvent the election results, was sworn in as president on September 30, 2000.