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Showing 161 - 180 of 287 Posts

Star Football Player Gives Up Big Money Contract to Be of Service

Jason Brown had a five-year, $37 million contract with the St. Louis Rams but decided it was all meaningless - and just walked away from football. Brown quit the sport he worked his life to master so he could become a farmer, even though he had never farmed a day in his life. What he was thinking? He was thinking about service.

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New York Trio Hauls Van Full of Clean Water to People in West Virginia

I've got an incredible story for you that starts with a high school senior who heard about the toxic chemical spill that poisoned the tap water for more than 300,000 people in West Virginia, and wanted to help. Angelina Sarro and her father, Frank, remembered the generosity of people who drove to their neighborhood of East Rockaway, New York after Superstorm Sandy bringing trucks loaded with water and food. Now they wanted to pay that kindness forward.

Woman's Vision for Peace Park Sealed With New Spinning Peace Wheel

A decade after Julie Caldwell had the initial inspiration to build a peace park in Elko, Nevada, the community is spinning the park's final installation, a hand-crafted 3000 pound Universal Peace Wheel, which is filled with thousands of hand-written notes and printed mantras collected by volunteers, and sent in, from people wishing for peace.

Church Uses Modern Stained Glass to Capture Solar Energy

A collection of eye-catching stained glass installations by a Toronto artist is generating solar power at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon. The artwork consists of solar panels embedded in brightly colored, hand-painted art glass. Once it is connected, the cathedral will be able to use the solar power produced by the art installation to offset its own power consumption.

Laws of Physics Can't Trump the Bonds of Love

A high school physics teach became well known in Louisville, Ky., for his exploding antics in the classroom. But Jeffrey Wright's most influential lecture is delivered annually teaching the life-lessons learned via Mr. Wright's son, who has a developmental disorder.

Mobile Kitchen Relocates to Feed Thanksgiving Meal to 1,000 on Long Island Still Without Power

Since November 1, a group called Mercy Chefs, using a retrofitted RV mobile kitchen, has been supplying hot meals to New Yorkers who lost power after Hurricane Sandy. Now, at the request of the Freeport mayor, the unit has just relocated to Long Island to feed 1,000 people still housed in Nassau County's emergency shelters -- just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.Read More

Troubled Iraq Veteran Seeks Atonement From Family He Harmed in Baghdad

A US soldier who was involved in a firefight in Iraq is seeking redemption and forgiveness from an Iraqi family that lost three members in that chaotic gun battle. In the midst of the battle, his unit opened fire on three cars killing the drivers, all members of the Kachadoorian family who drove into the intersection. Since then, the Marine has become like a son to the family, visiting several times and talking often by phone.

Church Gives Extreme Home Makeover 'Beyond Belief' for Family Hit by Tragedy

Mike and Angie Gagnon, their disabled daughter and two young grandkids were thrilled with the renovations and editions on their home provided by 150 businesses in an Extreme Makeover project organized by Cornerstone Seventh Day Adventist Church. Although it was one of the church's biggest projects yet - working at least 18 hour days for 10 days straight - "it's totally worth it," said Pastor Steven Mirkovich.

Medical Students Learned on the Bodies, Now Honor the Donors

Georgetown University medical students recently held their yearly religious service, to say thank you to anatomical donors. Each year, 19,000 medical students in the United States dissect cadavers as part of their Each year their schools hold some type of memorial service at the end of the year to honor donors.

Dalai Lama Visits Hawaii, Talks up Peace Through the "Power of Aloha"

The Dalai Lama brought his message of peace and compassion -- and his trademark humor -- to Hawaii, celebrating the coming together of two native cultures. Similar to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the indigenous culture of Hawaii has its own inherent spirituality. He calls it compassion. We call it Aloha, said one participant at the events. The Dalai Lama's visit marks the launch of a new initiative entitled Pillars of Peace, supported by eBay founder, Pierre Omidyar

Prayers Answered When Son Finds $3,000 From Late Father in an Old Book

After many years of searching for his life's purpose, James Smith, 22, finally discovered his passion in the world of art, using spray paint, ink and acrylics in combination with black lights to create neon explosions of color. But the opportunities required an infusion of cash to keep up with the demand for more art work and supplies. His mother, a Reverand, prayed for help. That very night it was delivered.

Pastor Ends 94-Day Rooftop Protest After Donation From Tyler Perry

Over the last three months, living in a chilly tent on the roof of a vacant South Side Chicago motel, Rev. Corey Brooks kept up his vigil against gun violence. On Friday, he was triumphant after a pledge of $98,000 from filmmaker Tyler Perry provided the final push for reaching the pastor's goal of raising $450,000 to buy and demolish the decrepit motel, a haven for drugs and prostitution.

Tony Robbins: How Can the Anniversary of 9/11 be Used to Change Your Life?

Tony Robbins awoke the day of 9/11 about to conduct a training session in Hawaii for 2,000 people from 39 countries, teaching Emotional Mastery. Instead of canceling the day's session, he decided to bring together this diverse audience -- people from different religions and cultures -- and get them to redirect their focus to somehow serve a greater good.

Man to Donate $14-Million Vegas Winnings to Charity

A Las Vegas man, who calls himself "not much of a gambler", decided to play a Megabucks slot machine while his best friend was in town visiting. He walked out of the Rampart Casino a $14 million winner and said he would give the money to his church for a new building.