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Spiritual Leaders Unveil Action Plan to Combat Violent Extremism

In a two-day conference over the weekend, Muslim, Jewish and Christian religious leaders from around the world gathered in Abu Dhabi to discuss the challenges of violent religious extremism and identify ways to combat it. Organizers announced a "10-point action plan that they will initiate over the next three years.

20,000 Muslims Gather for Peace

Dec. 5, 2005 — We need to be reminded again and again that mainstream Muslims are not like their fanatical brothers in terror. In Britain, families traveled to London to be counted as the peaceful majority of Islam, able to stand against terrorism yet speak out in the face of unfairness. Let's collect here on the […]

Killer's Wife Salutes Amish Mercy, Forgiveness

The widow of a man who murdered five Amish girls in their schoolhouse sent a letter to the Amish community thanking them for their compassion and support. Marie Roberts said she was "overwhelmed by the forgiveness, grace and mercy".

What Happened After a Man Found $98,000 Inside a CraigsList Desk

A Connecticut man bought a large desk on Craigslist. Luckily it was too big to fit through the door by a fraction of an inch, according to Rabbi Noah Muroff. He and his wife took the desk apart and found a huge pile of cash hidden in a plastic bag behind the deep file drawers. But that is not the end of the story.

The Best Cab Ride of My Life

I was in a cab heading home from O'hare airport – a journey I make with regularity - when I noticed it. The sign. It was perfectly posted on the back side of the driver's seat and front passenger's seat, inviting Muslim and Jewish riders to help themselves to kosher and halal snacks as a kindness for weary travelers.