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Mobile Kitchen Relocates to Feed Thanksgiving Meal to 1,000 on Long Island Still Without Power

Mobile Kitchen Relocates to Feed Thanksgiving Meal to 1,000 on Long Island Still Without Power
Since November 1, a group called Mercy Chefs, using a retrofitted RV mobile kitchen, has been supplying hot meals to New Yorkers who lost power after Hurricane Sandy. Now, at the request of the Freeport mayor, the unit has just relocated to Long Island to feed 1,000 people still housed in Nassau County's emergency shelters -- just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.Read More

Since November 1, a group called Mercy Chefs, using a retrofitted RV mobile kitchen, has been supplying hot meals to New Yorkers who lost power after Hurricane Sandy.

"Honestly, the need here is so great that I could have 6 kitchens set up and still not be able to feed everyone who deserves a hot meal," reported Mercy Chefs founder Gary LeBlanc two weeks ago.

Now, at the request of the Freeport mayor, the unit has just relocated to Long Island to feed 1,000 people still housed in Nassau County emergency shelters — just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Gary's team of volunteers also freely feed any first responders and cleanup volunteers who are diligently working to help neighborhoods recover.

They began yesterday serving hot meals and smiles in the Freeport recreational center with plans to offer a full Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings on Thursday.

"We asked ourselves, how do we feed these families who have lost everything," said Rev. Tina Baker of the Refuge Apostolic Church of Christ. "How do we give them the gift of a Thanksgiving meal? And then Mercy Chefs called and offered to come to our community over Thanksgiving week. It's a gift, It's a blessing!"

Donations to Mercy Chefs, a Christian non-profit organization, make these meals possible. Consider donating at www.mercychefs.com

(WATCH a video about Gary working in New York, from HooplaHa)

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