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Dead Sea Scrolls Come to Life on the Web (Video)

Discovered in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls have been available for viewing only in a museum in Israel...until now. Thanks to some expert digital photography and a project set up by Google, high-resolution photos of five of the seven original Dead Sea Scrolls can now be seen online, accompanied by descriptions of the scroll, its history, and its meaning.

Internet Campaign to Preserve Historic Manuscripts Raises $42K

Last year in Timbuktu, an irreplaceable trove of manuscripts at risk of being destroyed by advancing fundamentalist rebels, was secretly evacuated at great personal risk by a team of archivists, librarians, and couriers. The manuscripts were saved from immediate destruction, but today they are still jam packed in footlockers used for their evacuation, while enduring higher humidity than ever before, without protection. Now, an internet campaign launched to fund the purchase of archival bags and boxes to protect these documents has engaged people around the globe and raised $42,500.

Aerial Laser Reveals Hidden City in Jungles Near Famed Cambodian Temple

Archaeologists using revolutionary airborne laser technology have discovered a lost mediaeval city that thrived on a mist-shrouded Cambodian mountain 1200 years ago. The stunning discovery of the city, Mahendraparvata, includes temples hidden by jungle for centuries - temples that archaeologists believe have never been looted -- the city that founded the Angkor Empire in 802 AD.

Dying Man Finds Miracle in Abandoned Church

At 57 years old, Greg Thomas was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. They told my family to go ahead and start planning my funeral. Greg passed the hours walking his dog on a rural Minnesota road -- a road that led him to a beautiful, abandoned church. He decided to repaint the crumbling relic. Three years later, when he began work on a rotting interior, his own interior was healing too.

Episcopal Church Opens Doors to Muslims

The Rector and congregation of St John's Episcopal Church in Aberdeen have offered the hand of Christian fellowship - and part of their church building - to the hundreds of Muslims attending a neighboring and overcrowded mosque. The Aberdeen mosque is so busy at times that members of the Muslim community were having to pray outside in the wind and rain.

Pastor Ends 94-Day Rooftop Protest After Donation From Tyler Perry

Over the last three months, living in a chilly tent on the roof of a vacant South Side Chicago motel, Rev. Corey Brooks kept up his vigil against gun violence. On Friday, he was triumphant after a pledge of $98,000 from filmmaker Tyler Perry provided the final push for reaching the pastor's goal of raising $450,000 to buy and demolish the decrepit motel, a haven for drugs and prostitution.

Good Karma: Buddhists Liberate 500 Lobsters Destined for Dinner Plates

In celebration of a holiday commemorating the Buddha's call for compassion and kindness, a group of Tibetan Buddhists purchased 535 live lobsters at a Maine seafood market and released them into the cold Atlantic, giving them freedom once again in the belief that karma will ease the suffering in the animals' and humans' future lifetimes.

Mormons Skip Church for Weeks to Volunteer for Families Flooded by Sandy

Thousands of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints volunteered for weeks following Hurricane Sandy, assisting the devastated families in digging out their flooded homes. A beautiful video was made on November 11th, when thousands of these church members cancelled their Sunday services and arrived by air, bus and train from all across the country to help.

Jewish, Muslim Volunteers Do Good Christmas Day Deeds

Across Detroit, organizers said nearly 1,000 Jewish volunteers did good deeds on Thursday's Mitzvah Day — an annual rite of community service on Dec. 25, when Christians typically want to be home celebrating Christmas, rather than doling servings at a soup kitchen. Increasingly for the last six Christmases, Muslims have joined the horde of Jewish volunteers