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Showing 21 - 40 of 81 Posts

Women More Optimistic Than Men, Girlfriends Are Key

Midlife women are flourishing compared with men. Despite the daily gloom of economic predictions, women in midlife are more optimistic about their lives and futures than men are, finds a Gallup-Healthways daily poll of Americans' well-being. It may be key that the most optimistic women spend about six hours a day in social interaction.

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A Hopeful and Tolerant New Generation

Today's teens have more close friends, better relations with parents and are not nearly as sex-crazy as people think. Most teens engage in sex about as often as seniors. Fifty-six per cent say they never engage in sex.

She Offered an Armed Robber a Glass Of Wine, Completely Flipped The Script

An NPR podcast this week explored what happens when people flip the script, and respond to situations in ways that are completely unexpected. Particularly interesting was the notion that a 180-degree change in attitude could shift a tense armed robbery in progress, and lead to a complete turnaround in the mind of the assailant. A […]