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61% of Americans Say They've Turned to a Romantic Vacation to Save Their Relationship

61% of Americans Say They've Turned to a Romantic Vacation to Save Their Relationship
Three in five American adults who have gone on a romantic vacation with their partner say that the getaway helped to reignite their relationship.

Nearly three in five Americans say a vacation saved their relationship, according to a new Valentine's Day survey of 2,000 adults who have traveled out of town with their significant other.

The poll also found that 61% have gone on a vacation with their partner in an effort to reignite their romance. And, it's no wonder: 6 in 10 tended to experience more romance while on vacation, as compared to their everyday lives.

TOP 5 REASONS FOR A VACATION WITH A PARTNER 1. To spend more quality time with significant other 72% 2. To experience something new with partner 72% 3. To see a part of the world never seen before 66% 4. To go on an adventure 63% 5. To reignite the romance 61%

The poll also revealed that the average American will go on three separate romantic getaways, at least overnight, with their partner in a year.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Apple Vacations, examined travel habits and compiled a list of the ways that couples are most romantic with each other on vacations-which are different from their normal routines.

TOP 5 WAYS TO TURN UP THE ROMANCE 1. Giving compliments 48% 2. Showering with affection 47% 3. Going out on a planned date 43% 4. Holding the door for me 43% 5. Buying gifts 42%

It's becoming increasingly popular to propose to a significant other on vacation; 41% percent suspected that their partner might pop the question while on a trip together.

Of those who thought their partners were going to propose marriage while on a trip, four in five had their suspicions confirmed.

But they don't only get engaged during a romantic getaway. Thirty-one percent have actually eloped while enjoying a destination with their partner.

So how do you keep romance alive when you're not on vacation? Here are five of our favorite stories about people going above and beyond the call of duty for the sake of love.

TOP 5 STORIES OF EVERYDAY ROMANCE 1. How a Doting Husband Used 8 Billboards to Tell His Wife He Loved Her More 2. As Wife Loses Eyesight, Husband Learns to Do Her Makeup and Impresses Kardashian 3. Inspiring Couple Made New Year's Resolution to Go On 52 Dates-and They Succeeded 4. 'Best Boyfriend Ever' Fills Prescription of 'Love Pills'-With Tiny Notes 5. Guy Makes Everybody Smile When He Picks Up Girlfriend in Themed Cars Every Day

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