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Using Instagram Can Actually Make Adolescents Feel Closer and More Loved By Their Friends

Using Instagram Can Actually Make Adolescents Feel Closer and More Loved By Their Friends
All those pictures of food, pets, and selfies may be considered shallow by baby boomers, but this study shows that youths who use Instagram feel less alone.

Your food, your vacation, your carefully curated life – all posted for your friends in a filtered image.

Some may scoff at adolescents' use of social media networks as they pine for likes. Is this just frivolous behavior? Or are they really just solidifying their social connections to friends? A recent study by a researcher at the University of Leuven found that adolescents' use of Instagram actually strengthened the closeness of their friendships.

The data revealed that frequent use of Instagram was related to increased closeness to friends (perception that they are appreciated and loved by their friends) six months later, which in turn was related to lower levels of depression. Various researchers have investigated the impact of using Facebook on young people's well-being, and some have examined the impact of Instagram on individuals' mental health. This study is the first to investigate the longitudinal relationship between Instagram use and well-being in an adolescent sample, and the first to examine the role of adolescents' closeness to friends in this relationship.

"This age group may be particularly at risk for the impact of Instagram, given the increasing popularity of Instagram in adolescence and given the increase of depressive symptoms during this stage of life," said Frison. "This study offers practitioners greater insight into the outcomes of adolescents' Instagram use. More specifically, using Instagram can be both beneficial and harmful for adolescents' well-being. If using Instagram stimulates adolescents' closeness to friends, it is beneficial in the long run, but if Instagram is not capable of that stimulation, it is harmful in the long run."

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