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Chad Backs Darfur Peace Talks

Chad offered its support on Friday for UN-led efforts to bring peace to neighbouring Sudan's troubled Darfur region by hosting a conference for rebel groups, President Idriss Deby said.

Bulgarian Economy Turns From Making Guns to Growing Roses

A valley in Bulgaria's mountains, for decades known for making AK-47 rifles, now has blossomed into a supplier of organic rose oil for beauty products, reviving a centuries' old industry. Every morning at dawn hundreds of villagers hustle through fields of rose bushes to pick fresh blooms still damp with morning dew.

Burundi Rebels Agree to Truce Plan

Burundi's government and the country's last active rebel group have signed a ceasefire that has committed the sides to engage in serious discussions aimed at ending hostilities and to reach a comprehensive ceasefire within the period of two weeks.

How a 29-Year-old Stockbroker Saved 669 Lives on Nights and Weekends

Milena Grenfell-Baines and 668 other mostly Jewish children were transported from Czechoslovakia to England in order to save their lives before the outbreak of WWII. The man who made this possible was Sir Nicholas Winton. In 1939, Winton, at the time a 29-year-old stockbroker, spent nights and weekends organizing logistics, raising money and cutting through red tape to get children out of Czechoslavakia.

Soldier's Letter Details WWI Christmas Day Truce 100 Yrs Ago

"Dearest mother, I have seen one of the most extraordinary sights..." So begins a letter from a WWI soldier in 1914 who witnessed the 2-day Christmas Truce. The letter just published confirms a Christmas Day football match 100 years ago today, between warring sides, England and Germany, as seen through the eyes of a soldier for the first time.

MLK Day: Ex-White Supremacist Thanks Black Teen Who Said No to Violence in 1996

Arno Michaelis was once a thriving member of the Neo-Nazi movement who frequented white supremacist rallies, until single parenthood and love for his daughter changed him This week he wrote a short tribute to Keshia Thomas, a black teenager who during a 1996 KKK rally saved the life of a white supremacist in danger of being killed by a mob of counter-demonstrators.

Woman's Vision for Peace Park Sealed With New Spinning Peace Wheel

A decade after Julie Caldwell had the initial inspiration to build a peace park in Elko, Nevada, the community is spinning the park's final installation, a hand-crafted 3000 pound Universal Peace Wheel, which is filled with thousands of hand-written notes and printed mantras collected by volunteers, and sent in, from people wishing for peace.

Newest Subway Hero: 'Snackman' Casually Breaks Up Fight

24 year-old Charles Sonder got on a New York Subway with a bag of cheddar Pringles chips, and a knack for peace. As the train rolled toward its next stop, a fight between a man and a woman broke out; curses were uttered, and punches and kicks were thrown. At that moment, Sonder moved toward where the man was standing, and parked himself there, calmly munching on his chips.

Dalai Lama Visits Hawaii, Talks up Peace Through the "Power of Aloha"

The Dalai Lama brought his message of peace and compassion -- and his trademark humor -- to Hawaii, celebrating the coming together of two native cultures. Similar to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the indigenous culture of Hawaii has its own inherent spirituality. He calls it compassion. We call it Aloha, said one participant at the events. The Dalai Lama's visit marks the launch of a new initiative entitled Pillars of Peace, supported by eBay founder, Pierre Omidyar

Pastor Ends 94-Day Rooftop Protest After Donation From Tyler Perry

Over the last three months, living in a chilly tent on the roof of a vacant South Side Chicago motel, Rev. Corey Brooks kept up his vigil against gun violence. On Friday, he was triumphant after a pledge of $98,000 from filmmaker Tyler Perry provided the final push for reaching the pastor's goal of raising $450,000 to buy and demolish the decrepit motel, a haven for drugs and prostitution.