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Wars are on the Wane Worldwide

The world has become dramatically more peaceful since 1992, according to the Human Security Report. The number of wars, coup d'etats, and acts of genocide has declined by 40 percent. Weapons sales between countries have dropped 33 percent during the same time, and the number of refugees has diminished by 45 percent.

Spiritual Leaders Unveil Action Plan to Combat Violent Extremism

In a two-day conference over the weekend, Muslim, Jewish and Christian religious leaders from around the world gathered in Abu Dhabi to discuss the challenges of violent religious extremism and identify ways to combat it. Organizers announced a "10-point action plan that they will initiate over the next three years.

Old Enemies Turn Into New Heroes During Floods

Some good came out of the flooding that swept through Mozambique in 2000. At the same time as marooned Mozambicans on high ground were being rescued by soldiers in helicopters, historical stereotypes were being erased and the hated enemy was fast becoming a hero.

Daring Rescue of 105 People Before the Fall of Saigon

A film like Argo could have been made of the suspenseful rescue by John Riordon in the days before the Fall of Saigon in Vietnam. A young American bank manager for Citibank in Saigon, he refused to evacuate in the days before the Communist takeover to ensure that his staff and their families (105 people) got out before the invasion.

Disabled in Iraq, Now Making Life Easier for Other Wounded Vets

A National Guardsman lost both legs in Iraq, but found a new mission helping others. It was a life-altering injury, but from the beginning, Dale Beatty had a positive attitude about it. Beatty created an organization Purple Heart Homes after a Builders Association -- of which he was a member -- helped him build a wheelchair-accessible home with wide doorways and roll-in bathrooms.

Would-be Robber Breaks-down, Store Clerk Gives him Pizza

An apparent attempt to rob a Papa John's pizza restaurant in Montana's capital went awry when the would-be robber started to cry. A man entered the restaurant and gave the cashier a note demanding money. He later broke down and confessed he was doing the deed for his wife and child. The cashier showed great compassion and cooked him dinner.

North Korea to Suspend Nuclear Activities

The United States said Wednesday North Korea has agreed to suspend nuclear activities and accept a moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile tests, in a breakthrough in negotiations with the secretive communist nation. In a key concession, North Korea said it had agreed to allow International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to verify and monitor a moratorium on uranium enrichment activities.

Nevada Man Plans Peace Bike Ride Across Iran

Six years ago Rick Gunn, 49, left his job to cycle across the world. He also met up with Iranian-born cyclist Mohammad Tajeran to cross Malaysia as a team. Now, the two are planning to reunite next month to ride their bikes across Iran in a symbolic gesture of peace.