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Ten-Year-old Canadian Girl Discovers Supernova

For amateur astronomers, discovering a supernova is a significant and rare feat. For a 10-year-old amateur to do it — well, that's astronomical. Kathryn Aurora Gray of Fredericton, N.B. is basking in the spotlight after noticing what was later determined to be a magnitude 17 supernova on New Year's Eve.

Squash Prodigy Flees Taliban, Finds Refuge in Toronto

At 20, Maria Toorpakai is the best female squash player in Pakistan. But she can't play there. Her family began receiving death threats from the Taliban, a group that equates a woman wearing shorts as an obscenity. In March, she fled Pakistan to live and train in Toronto. Soon, she will be the best in the world.

Bill Murray Drives Taxi So Cabbie Can Practice Saxophone

Here is another reason to love the hilarious mind of Bill Murray. He was in Oakland on his way to the Toronto Film Festival when he met a musician cabbie who never gets to practice. Since his saxophone was in the trunk, Murray told him he should get in the back seat, and then he drove the cab all the way to Sausalito.