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Cat Hailed as Hero After Saving Trapped Neighbor

Cat Hailed as Hero After Saving Trapped Neighbor
Ivy the cat from Ontario is receiving worldwide applause after her antics helped rescue her neighbor from losing an arm.

Ivy the cat is receiving global attention for her heroics after she came to the rescue of her trapped next door neighbor.

Ivy's owner, 72-year-old Mary Johnston who lives on Manitoulin Island, Ontario, was reading a book in her living room in October when her feline began acting oddly.

Bewildered by the strange behavior, Mary heard another sounds – this time, coming from outside.

Thinking it to be the source of Ivy's fussiness, Mary followed the sound to her neighbor's barn where she found Eric Russell hanging from the ceiling by his arm. Eric had been attempting to fix the garage door spring when it gave way, trapping his arm.

Mary called Eric's wife Betty so they could dial 911. Eric had already sustained heavy damage to his arm and nerves, however if help had arrived any later, he may have lost the limb entirely.

"Cats have much better hearing than humans. I think she heard these sounds of distress and it bothered her. So she figured I should do something about it," Mary told CBC. "The joke is we're going to erect a statue to Ivy downtown."

Ivy has reportedly been nominated for the Purina Animal Hall of Fame by a local newspaper for her rescue.

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