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Blueberries May Fend Off Alzheimer's: It's All About The Anthocyanins

The blueberry, already known to be a 'super fruit' for its power to potentially lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, also could be insurance for your brain against Alzheimer's disease. New research presented by scientists Sunday bolsters the idea that this fruit, loaded with healthful antioxidants, could help prevent the devastating effects of […]

Great Natural Remedies: 16 Herbs for Your Medicine Cabinet

Scientific studies come and go. But there is evidence that accumulates slowly over many years that support, sometimes ancient, claims that herbs can provide medicinal help for ailments such as stomach upset, hot flashes, depression, nausea and indigestion. The weight of the evidence clearly shows that these 16 herbs, some of which are already in your kitchen, are safe (with certain caveats) and effective, and deserve a place in your medicine cabinet.