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Blind Orangutan Receives Cataract Surgery, Sees her Babies for First Time

A formerly blind orangutan has been given the remarkable gift of being able to see her baby twins for the first time after undergoing cataract surgery in the first such operation in Indonesia. Prior to her surgery on Monday afternoon, Gober, a 40-year-old orangutan, had spent at least the last four years blind due to cataracts leading.

Salmon in East Vancouver? Miraculous Reappearance After 80 Years

Chum salmon are spawning again at an urban creek in the heart of East Vancouver. The salmon returned this week to Still Creek, which sits in a ravine surrounded by warehouses and was once thoroughly polluted by urban garbage, sewage and toxic chemicals. Much of the credit goes to people who have painstakingly restored their habitat.

How Invasive Plants at LAX Feed Giraffes and Elephants at L.A. Zoo

The bad news: Exotic acacia trees pose a pesky problem for native coastal dunes at Los Angeles International Airport. The good news: Giraffes like them -- a lot. Now a long-term partnership that began last fall between the airport and the L.A. Zoo keeps invasive species out of L.A.'s landfills and gives zoo animals a leafy treat.

Finding "Lost Lots" to Make More Parks in LA

Over the last few years, Los Angeles and other cities have been moving to convert vacant lots, underused city streets, utility corridors, traffic medians and alleys into small parks, plazas, bikeways and pedestrian corridors so urban residents have green havens within a 10-minute walk.