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Decluttering as Zen Meditation

Decluttering your home or workspace can often seem overwhelming, but in truth it can be as peaceful as meditation, and can be a way to practice living mindfully and in the present moment. Clutter is a manifestation of either holding onto the past or a fear of what might happen in the future or it could be an unexamined thrifty nature that goes back generations. But decluttering your home can provide a freedom and comfort these very items were meant to provide.

How to Win Money for Losing Weight and Getting Fit

HealthyWage and other websites now offer money in exchange for improving your health and fitness. HealthyWage isn't the only company to jump on the motivation money train. Competitors such as DietBet.com, GymPact and StickK ask users to put their hard-earned cash on the line in hopes of getting healthy and wealthy.

Destress Your Life in 10 Easy Steps

The gloomy days of January can be the most miserable and stressful of the year, but it doesn't have to be this way. If you follow this ten step guide to de-stressing your life, then the next few weeks just might become the most serene and fulfilling ones of the year.

12 Things Happy People Do Differently

Studies conducted by positivity psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky point to 12 things happy people do differently to increase their levels of happiness. These are things that we can start doing today to feel the effects of more happiness in our lives.

4 Quick Tips to Find-and Keep-Happiness

Happiness, or the lack thereof, lies at the root of what makes life meaningful. But it is sometimes hard to figure out what exactly constitutes happiness, especially in a culture like the Unites States that tends to conflate money with meaning. Roko Belic, the director of Happy, the documentary, offers four tips to develop a happiness skill set.

Crawling Out of the Hole of Negativity

My personal mantra is "no mistakes, only lessons." I repeat this phrase to myself frequently as I tend to make a lot of lessons. It's easy for me to get down on myself when I make mistakes. My mind wants to endlessly review the event, which results in dark feelings enveloping me. There's no escape from the torment because I can't change what's happened in the past. Lessons, however, are a thing of the future.