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Showing 21 - 40 of 96 Posts

Told He Couldn't Run a Race With a Walker, He Started His Own 3K

Sebastian, who is a very determined 19 year-old living with Cerebral Palsy, tried to enter a race as a contestant in 2009 but the organizers wouldn't allow it. He then decided with his therapist and 30 other special needs children to organize their own all-inclusive race. The hardworking young man trained with his walker for three years until he finally achieved his goal of walking 1.5 miles.

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Deaf Fullback Stars in Commercial That Will Give you Chills

Through adversity, pro football running back Derrick Coleman trusted his inner strength. Although he is deaf, the Seattle Seahawks player never let anything stand in his way, on his road to the NFL. The first deaf offensive player in the NFL, Coleman is featured in a new Duracell advertisement that talks about trusting the power within.

WWII Veteran Breaks Down Every Time He Reads a Book

Bray served in World War II. He was at Normandy on D-Day and has two Purple Hearts. Today, the soldier in him still refuses to surrender. I want to read one book, he says. I don't care if it's about Mickey Mouse. I want to read one book before I die.

From Crash to Cash: I Turned My Life Around After l Lost Everything

Michael Lewis still vividly remembers the day in 2008 when his world came crashing down. Suddenly the phones stopped ringing at his electrical contracting company for four months. It was very scary." With expenses to pay and no money coming in, Michael decided to take a desperate gamble and took a loan of £25,000 to pay expenses and start up a new business.

Wounded GIs Build Fancy Cars and New Lives

The Automotivation program began eight years ago after the founder of San Antonio-based Operation Comfort talked with a soldier in Brooke Army Medical Center's burn ward. She said to the badly burned Aaron, What on earth can I do to make you use what hands you've got? He replied, If you put an engine block out there on that patio area I'd be working on it 24/7.

A Runner for Cancer Decides to Become Oncologist After Losing Father

Jenna Norton is not your typical medical school applicant. In fact, until two years ago, she had never considered a career in medicine. It took Jenna seven years to graduate with a degree in Theatre, while working as a waitress and acting on the side. The death of her father, Henry, who passed away after a brief battle with cancer, also delayed her graduation. But his death later propelled Jenna's future in a direction never imagined -- a tribute to the man who owned a hardware store and supported his daughter's passion for Shakespeare.

6 Rags-to-Riches Millionaires Haven't Forgotten Their Roots

Entrepreneurial success stories are the stuff of which American dreams are made. Much like Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs, the six self-made millionaires profiled here have one thing in common: Thanks to hard work, determination and sound advice from mentors, friends and family, they've been able to build thriving businesses from the ground up. All have advice for young entrepreneurs.

Growth After Disaster: Going Beyond Resilience

It seems whenever we turn on the TV these days we witness disastrous scenes of flooding, fires, and typhoons forcing people from their homes and leaving businesses devastated. Yet, studying the trauma left in the wake of these disasters has provided researchers a way to discover how positive responses can also bloom in the aftermath of trauma.

No Jobs? These Mexican Immigrants Made Their Own

Five Mexican women living in New York City got tired of waiting in the day-labor line for inconsistent freelance cleaning jobs. They set up their own cleaning cooperative that specializes in using eco-friendly non-toxic products.