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Vital Medicine Rides Coke's Distribution Network Into Remote African Villages

Simon Berry is piggy-backing on Coca-Cola's distribution system to bring life-saving medicine to the places that need it most. Thanks to a vast network of local suppliers, you can get a Coke almost anywhere money changes hands. In the 1980s, Berry was an aid worker in Zambia, and when he looked at Coke's success, he saw an opportunity. Today his essential health kits for treating diarrhea are made to fit exactly inside the empty space between beverage bottles in Coke delivery crates.

Somalia Once Again Polio-Free, Declares UN

In what is being described as a major victory in the global fight against polio, the United Nations health agency announced yesterday that the disease has been eradicated in strife-torn Somalia thanks to the efforts of some 10,000 volunteers and health workers across the Horn of Africa nation.

Man Recovered From Parkinson's Uses Holistic Regimen

Severely dissatisfied with western medical treatment for his Parkinson's disease, John decided to pursue other methods and with the aid of homeopathy, alternative therapies, counseling, meditation and spiritual development, he was completely symptom-free within four years.

Memory Loss Associated with Alzheimer's Reversed for First Time

For 100 years, Alzheimer's disease has been without an effective treatment. That may finally be about to change. In the first, small study of a novel, personalized and holistic program to reverse memory loss, nine of 10 participants displayed marked improvement in their memories and disorientation.