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Amputated After Frostbite, Dog Walks Anew with 4 Prosthetic Legs

Amputated After Frostbite, Dog Walks Anew with 4 Prosthetic Legs
Brutus, a two-year-old Rottweiler and a quadruple-amputee, is currently living a frisky life thanks to his four new prosthetics and the woman who rescued him in a parking lot.

Second chances should always be this sweet.

Brutus, a two-year-old Rottweiler and a quadruple-amputee, is currently living a frisky life, thanks to Orthopets Denver and a university team from the veterinary teaching hospital — and, especially, the woman who rescued him.

Laura Aguilina, of Loveland, Colorado, first spotted Brutus, then badly crippled, in a parking lot, where his previous owner was trying to sell him.

After Laura took him in, a friend advised her to take him to Orthopets, a unique animal clinic specializing in innovative, biomechanically-correct prosthetic solutions for animals around the world.


Before Brutus could be fitted, he would require paw surgery at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, so she quickly created a GoFundMe page to raise money for his new legs and accompanying therapy. So far, almost $14,000 has been raised from 295 donors.

"Brutus is super sweet, ridiculously smart and has a very forgiving nature," Aquilina told Good Morning America. "You would think a dog like him who's been through so much wouldn't trust people, but he's a very gentle soul."

More milestones lie ahead for Brutus: neuro-muscular re-education therapy and walking on an underwater treadmill. But the sweetest is the finalization of his adoption by Laura and her husband, which will take place next week.

(WATCH video below, or READ the story at KDVR News) – Photo Credit: Better Paws for Brutus

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